Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Getting Animated!

Firstly, my apologies for not uploading a blog entry last week. Sometimes work just gets too much! But this week we are back with an extra pep in our step as the new intro for our website is up and running! Therefore, as the title might suggest, our blog this week is about the wonderful world of animation!

As technology expands and becomes far more accessible, the possibilities for using alternative ways to capture people’s attention become greater than ever before. If you are sitting at your computer reading this blog and wondering how you can dramatically direct more traffic to your website and capture a greater audience for your advertisements, then animation could be the key.
There are so many fun, quick and "to the point" animations out there that often we lose site of how effective it is - it's almost subliminal!

I will be concentrating mainly on the ways in which to captivate your web market.
Firstly, and most importantly, keep it short! If you haven't grabbed the attention of your target audience within the first 8-10 seconds, you never will!

Make it rememberable! The key to a successful animation is to get your audience talking about it... "Have you seen...?", "Look at this cool site..." etc. This works as viral marketing, it keeps people talking and reflects creativity and forward thinking.

Establish one message or key point. Don't over-complicate things. As soon as you try and cram all your ideas into one, you confuse your audience and lose their attention; you will create a greater impact with simplicity!

Always have an "opt out" option, let people skip the intro; sometimes people just can't wait, even for 8 seconds! You don't want to annoy your customers and turn away potential clients.

If you stick to these key points, you will be successful in guiding more people to your site, through the strongest form of advertising - word of mouth!

Here is a preview of the intro of our web site.
Go to imprentapronto.com to see it in all its glory!

The animation shows the blast of creativity that comes from IP. We used the printing colours CMYK to reflect our printing and design services.
The ink is made through a system of particles combined with a ‘blob mesh’ which makes the particles turn into ‘drops’ which, when they detect the others closest to them, join together as regards volume, imitating more or less the way mercury behaves.

Imprenta Pronto would like to give special thanks to Gabriel Martinez Rodriguez for his exceptional work!

Don't forget your Solutions for Success

and keep creative!


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