Monday 11 August 2008

Creative Car Park!

How many times have you finished your shopping excited about what you've bought, enjoyed your day with that warm fuzzy feeling inside and then, just as quickly as you’ve spent your last pay cheque, WHAM! you're hit with the realisation of having to navigate the car park. Your heart sinks and your blood pressure rises! No-one likes facing the poorly-lit concrete eyesore that, to add insult to injury, will drive you crazy trying to navigate through looking for the exit sign that takes you right back to where you came from!

Well, whilst I was having a similar experience last week I was talking with my friend about why no-one has really done anything about this. Surely shopping centres don't want your last experience to be this! Then my friend told me about Axel Peemoeller, who is the award-winning designer of a way-finding-system for the Eureka Tower Car Park in Melbourne, Australia (which at the time only added to my frustration!). So when I got home I had to look into this car park. And sure enough, it is fantastically creative! Well lit, bright, clear, and puts a smile on your face! I just had to add it to the blog, so take a look, sit back and enjoy!

The distorted letters on the wall can be read perfectly when standing in the right position and when you're not they look like colourful blocks of colour brightening up your day!

To view some creative solutions, don't forget to go to

Keep Creative,


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